Thursday, July 3, 2008


My sister calls me first thing this morning, "I have a Challenge for you". Oh boy now what!! I have to get real with not only everybody but myself. Not easy. So the Challenge is to write 10 true things about yourself. I hope you find yourself thinking and join the CHALLENGE.

1. Lets get this one out in the open... I realllllllly don't enjoy writing. I can't spell; I'm unable to express myself correctly when writing. Boy does it stress me out thinking about what I'm going to write. NOW YOU KNOW WHY I TALK SO MUCH..
2. I love watching TV.. I DVR everything don't think much of commercials.
3. I don't enjoy getting out of bed in the morning. I remember my mom would try to get someone else to wake me as a child. Family would pay her not to. Now my kids come in jump on the bed and I turn the cartoons on so I can sleep I little longer. I need a coffee pot next to the bed, Please.
4. Can you say Anxiety.. I fear everything. My mind is always playing games on me. If my phone rings too early I think something bad has happened. My husband is running late, I hope he didn't get in an accident. I'm slowly learning I have no control. So why Stress..
5. Going to new things with lots of people is pretty scary for me. I always try to go with a friend so I don't feel alone. I feel like an outsider standing by myself.
6. I sometimes am jealous of my husband who gets up in the morning by himself goes into the bathroom to take a nice peaceful shower. Getting dressed without someone yelling I need something. Yeah, I know he goes to work and work is stressful, but sometimes it just seems SO appealing. Just getting up with no one around and enjoy a nice cup of coffee with SILENCE.
7. I truly love making new things but I don't finish anything I start. I have 100 projects started and not one finished. (10000 pictures, no albums)
8. I hate staying home. I always wake up feed the kids and we're off for a day of fun. Especially on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays I love YARD SALES.
9. I love taking care of people. I enjoy taking problems and solving them. Just don’t expect me to following my own advice.
10. I don't like when someone is mad at me. I act as if I don’t care about things, but deep down it gets under my skin. I also believe I’m just getting older (and yes maybe wiser) and I’m changing a little