Monday, June 30, 2008

Brag A Little

Yesterday we had a family gathering after church. All the kids Coral, Canyon, Devon, Tori, Haley and little Chason went swimming which we seem to be doing a lot lately. Coral and Canyon swim like little fishes. For kids who really only get to enjoy swimming in the summer months Coral and Canyon swim in the water like two pros. Coral yesterday was doing back flaps in the water and was so proud she can touch bottom to gather the objects her father throws to her. Only a few weeks before when visiting Pepe in sunny Florida swimming everyday from morning till night with her cousins she was really sad she wasn't able to retrieve things from the bottom as the other kids were. She came home and a few weeks later is swimming 100 times better. Canyon I remember last year would just sit on the steps and play. Yesterday he was flipping forward over things and also swimming to the bottom. I'm just so happy Curtis and I can enjoy watching our children reach there goals and learn new things everyday. I really believe we have find Coral's little nick in life. She loves to swim. Canyon one day well I think he'll do something "big with a Ball". (baseball anyone)