Monday, June 30, 2008

Coral's Thumb

Well as many of you know Coral sucked her thumb before she entered this world. She's turning 5 this year with the hopes of no more thumb sucking. For the past 7 months Coral sucks her thumb 90% of the time. Her thumb has been so red and sore the skin was cracked. Even when she needs both hands she sucking her thumb. We have tried many things but nothing seems to wrong. She tells me all the time her thumb hurts and she doesn't want to suck on it. She cries. So I got online looking for help. Everywhere I went said it's okay unless there four or older. It's okay once in awhile. But if it controls there life we're in trouble. So to make a long story short I found a thumbsucking treatment kit. It sounds good, right. Well, don't I feel like a bad parent. Coral is wearing a plastic wrap around her hand up to her thumb held together with a band (which comes in three different colors green, orange and yellow). When it came in the mail today she was so happy, than we opened it. She cried and ran into her room. I told her we could wait till daddy came home. Well daddy came home and things get a little better. With a lot of talk Coral is now wearing her band around her hand. Please pray for Coral this is very hard for her. I think she feels like she did something wrong. I held her and told her daddy and mommy love her very much and think she's very brave. I told her I was going to take pictures and everyone would think she's a very brave girl. The instructions say we should keep the band on for four weeks(taking breaks). It's been about an hour and she told her daddy and I that it's okay she likes the thumb thing because it's going to make her thumb stop hurting and her teeth won't grow


Jen said...


I am SO proud of you!!! Great Job!!! I love and miss you SO much!! Love Auntie, Jenny

Please let me know if it works. Sadie still sucks her 3 middle fingers when she sleeps...she's 6!

Love you!