Thursday, October 16, 2008


Chason looks like a big boy but the results are in. We had our 9 month check up appointment today. To give you update on what Chason is able to do now. He crawls everywhere very fast. He's able to hold on to anything and walk from one thing to another. The other day at grandma he took his first two steps by himself to his daddy. He's eating all the food he can get his hands on. Loves playing with his siblings and really enjoys talking to everyone. His first word was mama. Ya, Coral and Canyon said dada first. So his weight was 19.8 which comes in at 45% and his length is 27 3/4 and comes in at 30%. Who really pays attention to the growth charts anyways. LOL The down side today is Chason does have a little cold. That what's happens when you have to pre-schoolers.

His head seems to be the biggest part of his body. At 70% we're looking at a genius.

Just waiting for the doctor to come back in. Chason is also getting his flu shot today. I wasn't able to get any pictures cause my little prince was crying. As you can see before the shot he was very happy:-)

This was Canyon's fire truck that Pepe give him for Christmas when he was one. Canyon really isn't ready to let go of the truck, but Chason loves it. He gets the back and walks the halls with it. He's almost big enough to ride with no help.

Chason is able to sit all by himself now. He really loves going to the park and crawling around the ground.