Saturday, November 7, 2009


The kids have been going to Awana for the first time. They love it. They both come home saying the verses they learned and share stories about Jesus with us. On this special night both kids earned their vest and a special book. They both really treasure their Awana book. At this age I'm having a hard time finding a bible they both can read and understand. I really love the lessons Awana has for the children. The book also has one or two verses a week the kids need to learn. While their learning they can win prizes, stickers and patches. Curtis and I are both truly blessed to have two wonderful children who love our God. They would learn the word 24/7 if they could. I believe this is just another terrific way for the children to learn about our savior. Both kids really enjoy the time they spend at Awana.
Coral being her happy safe.. Loving our Lord

The girls were able to sing a song and say a Verse
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, That He gave His one and Only son...

Coral wasted no time putting on her New Sparks Uniform

Canyon really enjoyed sharing his verse
Romans 5:8 ...While we were...sinners, (Jesus)Christ died for us

Canyon also ran up and wasted no time putting on his new Cubbies Uniform