Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lesson Learned

My cousin Tonyel

Tonyel and Tyler *Tonyel Son*

Aunt Diane and Coral

Grandma and Coral

Austin, Canyon, Dakota, Tyler, Chason and Coral

Dakota, Tyler, Canyon, Chason and Coral

Dakota, Tyler and Canyon

Tyler and Canyon these two hit it off!! You would think they have been best cousins forever.

Stephanie, Tonyal with Grandma Rose: WE LOVE YOU GRAMMIE:-)

Do you have part of a family who you just don’t talk to? The reasons, well I’m sure they were good ones, but really life is so short. We all have family members that sometimes we just don’t know very well. I am one of these people. I have a huge family; I’m blessed with a wonderful mother, two great dads and a nana. (I don’t like the word step mom) Countless, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. This is something I believe I take for granted. Well, when I went up north I saw my aunt and cousin who I haven’t seen in years. I’m 35 years old, old enough to know I’ve made so many mistakes in my life, I for one have no right to judge. This word is a strong and deadly word, “JUDGE.” So many of us live everyday life, looking and acting like we are better than the next person. I only speak for myself, but I try my hardest every day not to lay judgment on someone. The past has hunted me and when I found the Lord Jesus, he forgave me for my many, many, many sins. The judgments I had against others, the way I would think I knew better and yes do better than most. This is where two important people come into my life, I judged. For no other reason than to Judge, I’m a mother of three beautiful children. I know I make mistakes every day. There are times when I look at myself and say I hope my kids don’t remember that. But they might and they might judge me. I pray and ask them for forgiveness, because I want to raise them to remember we are human and we make mistakes. We are not better than anyone else. We should stand tall and be proud of who we are. But don’t forget to be the first person to be a judge against yourself. My point is four very long years went by not seeing my grandma because I had judged.
You need to just left it go; let the past be the past. Family is too important. Needless to say, because this family let go of the past we came together and we came together to meet more family.I met three of my second cousins. My children met not only three cousins, but a second cousin and a aunt. This was pretty cool. To look at these kids and know they can become friends instead of strangers who live up north. Sometimes you just need to let things go, and take baby steps and just maybe be the one who says, “sorry.”