Friday, December 4, 2009

Our Visit from the Esteps

The Estep family came down to Sunny Flordia for Thanksgiving. It's was a blast. We spent the morning on this beautiful day at the beach. We had dinner with my family than the shopping started for Trish and I. It was a very short but wonderful visit. Thank you for spending your holiday with our family.

Estep Family

Tom and Trish

Alexis and Coral running into the waves

Canyon showing his smile

Trish watching her children play

Cobly with a kiss from Snow White from Disney

Curtis being taken down

Coral catching some sun

Curtis and Coral

Derick body surfing

Derick making sand angels

Curtis and Chason

Daddy and Daughter

Brandon getting a taste of salt water

Canyon Surfing

Curtis and I

The Girls


Tammy_Skipper said...

what fun! So glad you got to have a little PA visit you in sunny FL. What a great pic of you and Curtis, hugs!!