Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Canyon

Happy Birthday Canyon. This is my big man. He's such a great kid with a mind that runs 24/7. It doesn't stop. He loves everything and plays any sport you give him. But BOY, OH BOY is he ever a BOY. He loves to climb on everything, jump off the roof if he could, loves being a clown and most of all thinks he knows everything. He was my biggest baby 6lbs and 14oz. He came out screaming and didn't stop till about 14 months. He knew what he wanted and yelled until I figured it out. He kepted me up all the time. Only sleeping an one or two at a time, or when Curtis drove around town for hours in the car. Than one day it stopped, he became this perfect baby. He is my big man, I love you Canyon.. Happy Birthday